16 American Slang Words dan Artinya

What’s up guys? Siapa nih yang lagi mencari American Slang words? Nih, ada 16 American slang words yang akan kita bahas guys. Stay here and don’t go anywhere!
- To bail = to leave abruptly (pergi dengan tiba-tiba)
Contoh: I have to bail because my father told me to go home.
“Aku harus pergi karena ayahku menyuruhku pulang”
2. To feel blue = to feel sad (merasa sedih)
Contoh: Because of hearing that, I feel blue.
“Karena mendengar hal tersebut, saya merasa sedih”
3. Buck = dollar (dolar)
Contoh: Return my buck!
“Kembalikan dolar saya!”
4. By the skin of my teeth = just barely (Pas-pasan)
Contoh: I only got away by the skin of my teeth.
“Saya hanya lolos pas-pasan”
5. Creep = strange person (Orang yang aneh)
Contoh: I think your friend is a creep.
“Saya pikir teman Anda itu orang yang aneh”
6. Stalker = somebody who is constantly following you in an annoying way (Penguntit)
Contoh: Tracy claimed she was the victim of a stalker.
“Tracy mengklaim bahwa dia adalah korban penguntit”
7. Couch potato = a lazy person who spends the bulk of their time engaged in things that can be done while sitting on a couch (Pemalas)
Contoh: It is no good you being a couch potato.
“Tidak ada gunanya menjadi pemalas”
8. To crash = to fall asleep abruptly (Tiba-tiba tertidur)
Contoh: When I’m tired, I go to my bed and I just crash.
“Ketika saya lelah, saya pergi ke tempat tidur dan saya tiba-tiba tertidur”
9. Down-to-Earth = and adjective for practicality and lack of pretense (Rendah hati)
Contoh: She’s a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
“Dia wanita yang rendah hati tanpa kepura-puraan”
10. For real = a proclamation of honesty (Jujur/benar/nyata)
Contoh: Is this letter a joke or is it for real?
“Apakah surat ini lelucon atau nyata?
11. Cold shoulder = a methapor for deliberately ignoring someone (Bersikap dingin)
Contoh: His wife was angry and giving him the cold shoulder.
“Istrinya marah dan bersikap dingin padanya”
12. Screw up = a situation in which you do something badly or make a big mistake (Kesalahan/kekacauan besar)
Contoh: There’s been a screw-up with our hotel reservation.
“Ada kekacauan besar dengan reservasi hotel kami”
13. Sweet = an adjective that describes something that is good, or nice (Baik/bagus)
Contoh: That’s very sweet.
“Itu sangat baik”
14. Tight = an adjective that describes closeness between competitors (ketat)
Contoh: I think it is a tight competition.
“Saya pikir itu merupakan kompetisi yang ketat”
15. To trash = can be used as an intransitive verb for destruction (Menghancurkan/merusak)
Contoh: Some people seem to enjoy trashing their future.
“Beberapa orang tampaknya menikmati merusak masa depan mereka)
16. To wrap up = to finish (menyelesaikan)
Contoh: That just about wraps it up for today.
“Baru saja menyelesaikannya untuk hari ini”